Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 20, 2010
1. Addison was giggling so much that I called John and left a voicemail with her giggles! All I was doing was sitting her down and then standing her up - with just the slightest big of assistance. Such a big girl!

2. Going for a long walk and chatting with a college friend who has a newborn. It feels so different to have a baby of my own and have her asking me for advice.

3. Made a real dinner. Nothing super exciting, but a real one, nonetheless. Spicy breaded chicken strips for John, and same breading on tofu for me. Corn from the farm stand, honey mustard dipping sauce and the most amazing PEACHES (!!) for dessert.

That's my three - what are yours?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Three Good Things

Every night, before falling asleep, my husband and I list our Three Good Things from the day. It can't be two, it can't be four - it's three good things that happened during the day. Sometimes it's simple - "it was such beautiful weather." Sometimes it's sort of reverse-good - like "my boss didn't yell at me." Sometimes it's extraordinary - "our daughter giggled!" I thought it would be fun to document our Three Good Things and we encourage you to write your own in comments.

Happy Three Good Things!